NewYork Times

NewYork Times
4 août 2010 admin
In Non classé

On this last trip, I went to one coffee place worth visiting.

And it’s the same place several coffee nuts told me to go to, from James Hoffmann of Square Mile Coffee Roasters to Nicholas Cho of Wrecking Ball Coffee Roasters. EvenNew Numbers, a Brooklyn band, pointed me there in 140 characters or less via Twitter. (They threw in a twitpic, too.)

It’s La Caféothèque (52 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville, 011-33-01-53-018-384), and it’s delightful.

It doesn’t look anything like a French cafe (no tables outside) or an American coffee bar (no visible tattoos). Actually, it feels less like a coffee shop than a candle shop, and it’s so homey, so disarming, it takes a moment to register that it’s for purists: single-origin espresso drinks only, made with direct-trade beans roasted in-house.